As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

At Virtuous Organic, we perceive a healthy India with a future where organic food is widely and affordably accessible to people from all walks of life. This vision, we believe, will be made possible by going back to our roots, making farmers an integral part of the transformation process and encouraging them to adopt practices that are sustainable and yield a healthier produce.
At Virtuous Organic, our mission is to nurture a healthy and fit India where the coming generations grow on organic food that is nutrient dense and doesn’t cause nutritional deficiencies. The youth would thus practice a healthier and sustainable lifestyle. We also wish to indirectly nurture a cleaner ecology by controlling soil pollution and optimizing on natural methods that cleanse our agricultural land.


At Virtuous Organic we believe in working with absolute honesty and integrity. Provide good quality nutritious food to all. Creating a chemical free, self-sustainable cohesive ecology.
The pain points virtuous organic is trying to solve are
- Food contamination and adulteration.
- Lack of awareness and trust around organic food products.
- Declining Farmers income.
- Lack of handholding during organic certification and conversion period.